Hospitalization Center

in Mental Health


Emotional support

Answers to some of your concerns.
  • What kind of patients are admitted into AVRIL?
    All patients suffering from a psychiatric disorder are admitted into AVRIL, where hospitalization is short, averaging 15-18 days.
  • When is a psychiatric patient admitted into a center?
    When a more intensive followup is needed to foster the patient’s healing process, or when it’s hard to keep the continuity of the ambulatory treatment or when there is a risk for the patient or others.
  • Which are the requirements for psychiatric hospitalization?

    For private patients hospitalization may be ordered by the physician on duty at our Center, after the patient has been evaluated.

    If the patient is covered by prepaid medical services with one of the health care providers affiliated with us, hospitalization is only approved after the attending physician belonging to such health care organization has evaluated the patient and ordered hospitalization in a psychiatric institution.

  • Can a patient be admitted into a center against his will?
    The decision for a psiquiatric admission can be voluntary or not. The latter can take place when the patient presents a clear imminent risk for him or herself or for others.
  • What is in-patient treatment like?
    The team works to achieve a brief interaction from the moment of admition, this task is carried out both for patients and their families. The work is interdiciplinary including workshops, sports and an adequate nutricional plan. And is aimed at overcoming the acute situation that motivated hospitalization. We also have a therapeutic device for the post discharge treatment phase that can be performed at the headquarters of our external offices.
  • How are addictions treated?

    Patients who are addicted to substances (hard drugs, alcohol, and psychoactive drugs, among other substances) and who show social compulsive behavior are managed with individualized treatment based on the patient’s needs from the clinical, nutritional, toxicological, psychiatric, psychopathological, family, social and legal aspects.

    After the disintoxication period, an appropriate therapy to be provided in the after-discharge stage of treatment is planned.

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